

The FABRICATOR is North America's leading magazine for the metal forming and fabricating industry. The magazine delivers the news, technical articles, and case histories that enable fabricators to do their jobs more efficiently. The FABRICATOR has served the industry since 1970.


The WELDER, formerly known as Practical Welding Today, is a showcase of the real people who make the products we use and work with every day. This magazine has served the welding community in North America well for more than 20 years.

The Tube & Pipe Journal

The Tube & Pipe Journal became the first magazine dedicated to serving the metal tube and pipe industry in 1990. Today, it remains the only North American publication devoted to this industry, and it has become the most trusted source of information for tube and pipe professionals.

Canadian Metalworking / Canadian Fabricating & Welding

Canadian Metalworking/Canadian Fabricating & Welding is a trade publication that covers all aspects of the country's metalworking, fabricating & welding industries. We strive to bring you the latest news, products, and insights to keep our readers aware of the latest industry trends.

The Fabricator en Español

FMA Communications ha introducido al mercado la edición en Español de la revista The FABRICATOR. Esta versión consiste del mismo tipo de artículos técnicos y sección de lanzamientos de nuevos productos que actualmente presentan el personal de primera categoría de FABRICATOR en Inglés.


Fabricating Update

E-mailed once a month, Fabricating Update alerts you to new content on This includes the latest industry articles, news and product information, FABTECH updates, special events and opportunities, and thoughts from Dan Davis, Editor in Chief of The FABRICATOR.

Welding Wire

E-mailed bi-monthly, Welding Wire delivers the latest welding news and product information, articles of interest to welding professionals, FABTECH updates, news about welding conferences, and a column from Amanda Carlson, editor of The WELDER.

Tube Talk

E-mailed every month, Tube Talk delivers the latest tube and pipe producing and fabricating news and product information, articles of interest to tube and pipe industry professionals, FABTECH updates, news about tube and pipe conferences, and a column from Eric Lundin, editor of The Tube & Pipe Journal.

The Fabricator en Español e-newsletter

Enviado por correo electrónico trimestralmente, el Boletín Informativo de The FABRICATOR en Español les lleva a las compañías mexicanas de fabricación y formado de metales los nuevos desarrollos en tecnología de manufactura y consejos de producción útiles para llevar a cabo sus operaciones de manera más eficiente.

Canadian Metalworking e-newsletter

The Canadian Metalworking e-newsletter covers machine tools, cutting tools, metals and quality and a wide range of industry sector news. It also includes new products, technology and event previews brought to you by Canadian Metalworking’s editor, Joe Thompson.

Canadian Fabricating & Welding e-newsletter

The Fabricating & Welding e-newsletter brings you the latest industry news including automotive, aerospace & defence, energy & resources, manufacturing, construction and transportation sectors. Read the latest company announcements, product releases and industry events brought to you by Canadian Fabricating & Welding’s editor, Rob Colman. The newsletter is e-mailed twice a month.

Canadian Metalworking Product e-newsletter

Get the latest on new products from the metalworking industry that can help you update your shop by subscribing to the Canadian Metalworking product e-newsletter. Technology covered in these include machine tools, cutting tools, automation, software, and measurement and metrology.

Canadian Fabricating & Welding Product e-newsletter

Get the latest tech updates across the metalforming industry that can help you update your shop. Technology covered in these include metal forming, metal cutting, welding, automation, and ancillary technologies and service.

Canadian Whitepaper e-newsletter

These whitepaper reports provide a deep dive on specific technical issues that shops across Canada need to address. Don’t leave this knowledge for a random search. Get it directly to your inbox.

Canadian Video Showcase e-newsletter

See metalworking and fabricating tools in action via our video newsletters. These offer demonstrations of new technologies so you can see how the technology will work on your shop floor.